How to Prepare Your File

File Type

FireSprint only accepts PDF files no larger than 150mb each.
For layered files, choose Adobe 7 (or higher) compatibility when saving your PDF. 
FireSprint does not utilize or work with .jpg, .png, .ai, .psd, .tiff or any other file formats.


Color Space
PDFs must be submitted in the CMYK color space. 
FireSprint cannot maintain accurate color with both CMYK and RGB color spaces included in a file.


Images must be:
• Embedded at final size
• Minimum resolution of 100ppi at the final size 

Digital Rigid Printing
Minimum type size of 10pt for positive type and 14pt for reverse type

Vinyl Roll & Sticker Printing
Minimum type size of 5pt for positive type and 7pt for reverse type

Large Format Banners
Minimum type size of 10pt for positive type and 14pt for reverse type

Variable Data
The font file must be provided


Line Widths
Digital Rigid Printing
Minimum of 0.5pt for positive line widths and 1pt for reverse line widths

Vinyl Roll & Sticker Printing
Minimum of 0.5pt for positive line widths and 0.5pt for reverse line widths

Large Format Banners
Minimum of 0.5pt for positive line widths and 1pt for reverse line widths


Auto-Generated Bleed
Bleed will be auto-generated for artwork that touches the edge of the sheet for all products. Do not include in file.

If File Already Has Bleed
If uploading a file with bleed, you’ll need to crop or skew the image in the uploader and will be prompted to do so.
If possible, we recommend re-uploading the file without bleed.

Kiss Cuts
We have a max number of 100 pieces per kiss cut decal. If you need more than 100 kiss cut pieces on a decal, please separate your designs into multiple jobs. This is due to the processing time when cutting and handling your artwork. 

Contour Cuts
• For contour cuts on substrates thicker than 1/8” (.125), all inside cuts will require 3/8” or 0.375 radius. 
• No contour cuts apply to 10mm Coroplast.
• FireSprint reserves the right to simplify overly complex contour cut paths to maximize the quality of the final product. 
• Proofs are required to be sent for approval for altered cut paths at no additional cost.
• Borders at the edge of double-sided signs must be 3/8” or thicker not including bleed.



Holographic Stickers
There are two options when printing on holographic vinyl: CMYK + Spot White or CMYK. Follow the steps below to create your desired effect.

CMYK + Spot White Holographic Stickers

• If you’d like the color white to appear in your design choose CMYK + Spot White.
• The white layer is printed on the holographic material first, followed by the CMYK layer.
• Add a layer of white underneath any CMYK areas that you don’t want the holo effect to show through.

• Your file must include layers.
• Clearly label your white layer as “Spot White” and your CMYK layer as “CMYK”.
• Create a swatch named “Spot White”.
• Make sure the areas you want to print white are colored with that swatch.

• Save your file as a PDF. No other file types are accepted.
• Choose Adobe 7 (or higher) compatibility when saving your PDF to preserve your layers.
• Under Options, make sure “Create Acrobat Layers from Top-Level Layers” is checked.


CMYK Only Holographic Stickers
• Printing CMYK only will yield no white in your design.
• Areas that would normally appear white due to paper color will appear holographic.
• The holographic effect will show through most colors and diminish with darker colors.
• Black or rich black areas of the design will have little to no holographic effect.
• Layers and spot color swatches are not needed for CMYK only printing.


Clear Stickers
There are two options when printing on clear vinyl: CMYK with White Underlayment or CMYK with White Underlayment + Spot White.
Follow the steps below to create your desired effect.


CMYK with White Underlyament Clear Stickers

• White will only be printed under all colored pixels in the file, all white pixels in the file will be unprinted on the clear vinyl.
• The white layer is printed on the clear material first, followed by the CMYK layer on top of the white layer.

FILE SETUP FOR CMYK with White Underlayment
• No file setup is necessary, our printer will print white under every colored pixel in the file.

CMYK with White Underlayment + Spot White Clear Stickers
• White will be printed under all colored pixels in the file, in addition to any white specified in the spot white layer.
• The clear vinyl will be unprinted anywhere not defined in the spot white or CMYK layers.
• The white layer is printed on the clear material first, followed by the CMYK layer on top of the white layer.

FILE SETUP FOR CMYK with White Underlayment+ Spot White
• Your file must include layers.
• Clearly label your Spot White layer as “Spot White” and your CMYK layer as “CMYK”.
• Create a swatch named “Spot White”.
• Make sure the areas you want to print just white on the clear vinyl are colored with that swatch.

• Save your file as a PDF. No other file types are accepted.
• Choose Adobe 7 (PDF 1.6) compatibility when saving your PDF to preserve your layers.
• Under Options, make sure “Create Acrobat Layers from Top-Level Layers” is checked.